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The Michael Brooks Show

Sep 5, 2018

This is the free weekly edition of TMBS. To support the Michael Brooks Show on Patreon and receive hours of weekly members-only content, subscribe at

Dying does not absolve you of spending your life advocating for empire and capital, and the Center needs to stop confusing style for substance. 

Shoutout to the DSA for reaching 50,000 members. 

Michael gives us an update on the situation on Brazil. 

Journalist Ken Klippenstein (@KenKlippenstein) joins us to talk about #ressistance grift and an exclusive on Saudi Arabia.  

We exile Malcolm Gladwell for his bad history and cheap thoughts. 

Matt Lech breaks down his new segment "Lech Regulates" on the fly. 

Griscom talks about lackluster wage-growth, the misery that is the engine of capitalism cannot be apart of our socialist project.