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The Michael Brooks Show

Aug 17, 2021

Since so many people are just now discovering Michael's work and TMBS we've decided to re-air every TMBS episode.
TMBS 10: Buddhism and Our Struggle & PseudoWoke Centrism ft. Robert Wright & Trevor Beaulieu, This week’s show: We have found audio of Obama challenging John Kerry to an IQ test in a 2014 cabinet meeting.
We break down Milo’s exposed emails and the relationship between him, the Mercer family, Breitbart, and alt-right trolls.
Author of “Why Buddhism is True” Robert Wright (@robertwrighter) calls in to talk about Buddhism and how we can bring cognitive empathy and mindfulness to politics.
Woke Susan Collins welcomes Bob Corker to the Resistance.
Trevor Beaulieu (@Rickyrawls), host of Champagne Sharks (@champagnesharks), joins us in studio and talks about what is often missed in typical conversations about identity, race, and class.
Read Trevor's piece in The Intercept on the Kaepernick protest.
TMBS re-aired episodes will come out every Tuesday at 7PM EST here on The Michael Brooks Show Channel. This program has been put together by The Michael Brooks Legacy Project. To learn more and rewatch the postgame content visit