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The Michael Brooks Show

May 17, 2022

TMBS 49 aired on July 24th, 2018.
Episode summary: We talk about Israel’s history of apartheid and how the recent law passed in Israel enshrines its apartheid character.

Shoutout to Tahirah Amatul-Wadud (@tahirahaw) a progressive candidate campaigning on Medicare for All, who is running for Massachusetts First Congressional District. Also, shoutout to Kaniela Ing (@KanielaIng) a DSA member who is running for Congress in Hawaii and challenging Mark Zuckerberg’s nonsense.
Author of The Color Of Money, Mehrsa Baradaran (@MehrsaBaradaran) calls in to talk about how the American financial system became wealthy from America’s history of racism and slavery.
For harping on the most tired talking points about socialism Megan McCain goes to the gulag.
For this week’s Economic Update, David Griscom investigates the upcoming yield curve inversion and how the recent economic recovery has come at the expense of an indebted working class.
Michael and the crew give our thoughts on Russia and the sanctions regime against Iran.

TMBS ReAirs come out every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts or on The Michael Brooks Show YouTube Channel. This program has been put together by The Michael Brooks Legacy Project. To learn more and rewatch the postgame content visit