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The Michael Brooks Show

Apr 26, 2022

TMBS 46 aired on July 3rd, 2018.

Episode summary:

We break down the meaning of Mexico’s presidential election and the embarrassing way John Oliver covers Latin America.

Shoutout to all of the mobilizations last week against ICE.

Chris Maisano contributing writer at Jacobin calls in to talk about the effects of the Janus decision on labor organizing in the US.

We throw the pathetic and delusional attempt by a Morgan Stanley lawyer to create a third way bankers party into the gulag.

David Griscom takes a look at corporate buybacks and the structural weakness of the economy in the Economic Minute.

Crew and senior politics editor at The Intercept Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) is in studio to talk about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory.

Comedian and host of Pod Damn American Jake Flores (@feraljokes) joins us in studio to talk about his run-in with ICE.

TMBS ReAirs come out every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts and on The Michael Brooks Show Channel. This program has been put together by The Michael Brooks Legacy Project. To learn more and rewatch the postgame content visit