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The Michael Brooks Show

May 3, 2022

TMBS 47 aired on July 10th, 2018. Episode summary:
Michael breaks down the events in Brazil, the Pink Tide in South America, and the crew examines the importance of an international Left-movement.
Shoutout to the UK who celebrated 70 years of the NHS and Jeremy Corbyn as he hopefully prepares a challenge for 10 Downing Street.
We throw Chuck Schumer and Akil Amar gulag for failing to understand what to do in this moment.
For the Griscom economic minute David talks about Trump’s trade war and who really benefits from a protracted struggle with China.
Harvey Kaye (@harveyjkaye) author of “The Fight For The Four Freedoms,” joins us in studio to talk about Thomas Paine and FDR’s legacy.

TMBS ReAirs come out every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts and on The Michael Brooks Show YouTube Channel. This program has been put together by The Michael Brooks Legacy Project. To learn more and rewatch the postgame content visit